The measurement of laser power (energy for pulsed lasers) is a common type of measurementperformed by laser manufacturers and users. Power (energy) measurements are needed for laser safetyclassification, stability specifications, maximum laser output specifications, damage avoidance, specificapplication requirements, etc. This document provides guidance on performing laser power (energy)measurements as applied to stability characterization. The stability criteria are described for varioustemporal regions (e.g. short-term, medium term and long term) and provide methods to quantifythese specifications. This document also covers pulse measurements where detector response speedcan be critically important when analysing pulse shape or peak power of short pulses. To standardizereporting of power (energy) measurement results, a report template is also included.This document is a Type B standard as stated in ISO 12100.The provisions of this document may be supplemented or modified by a Type C standard.Note that for machines which are covered by the scope of a Type C standard and which have beendesigned and built according to the provisions of that standard, the provisions of that Type C standardtake precedence over the provisions of this Type B standard.