Der 18-jährige Patient mit Z.n. temporärer Epiphysiodese, kniegelenknah, kommt jetzt als Adoleszent zur Korrektur eines Beinlängenunterschiedes. Aus der temporären Epiphysiodese resultiert eine Valgusverkürzungsdeformität des Femurs
The 18-year-old patient with Zn temporary epiphysiodesis, close to the knee, now comes as an adolescent to correct a difference in leg length. The temporary epiphysiodesis results in a deformity of the valgus shortening of the femur
The 18-year-old patient with temporary epiphysiodesis, close to the knee joint, now comes as an adolescent to correct a leg length difference. The temporary epiphysiodesis results in a valgus shortening deformity of the femur