A sequence with 6 cues - fixture 1 has a new color in cue 4 and 5 - blocked valuesThe text color of the dimmer value is now white in cue 4 and 5. All the color values are also white in cue 5 and the green attribute is also white in cue 4. This indicates that the values are stored here, but it is the same value as the tracked value. This is called "Blocked" values. This means that if any value is changed in any previous cue, then it would still be 100% in cue number 4. It is currently blocking the tracked value from cue 1 (the same value) and the value stored in cue 4 is tracking to the end.Values can be edited directly in the tracking sheet. Edit the dimmer value in cue 3 by right-clicking with a mouse or the two-finger edit gesture on a touchscreen. This opens the calculator.