Bei der biplanaren Technik wirddie axiale Osteotomie nur inden posterioren 75% durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wird eine nachproximal ansteigendefrontale Osteotomie in einemWinkel von ca. 95–100° zur axialenOsteotomie angelegt.
With the biplanar technique, <br>the axial osteotomy is performed only in the posterior 75%. In addition, a post-proximally increasing frontal osteotomy is performed at an angle of approximately 95-100 ° to the axial osteotomy.
In biplanar technology,<br>axial osteotomy performed only in the posterior 75%. In addition, a post-proximal ascending frontal osteotomy is applied in an angle of approx. 95-100° to the axial osteotomy.