Data pool with some data pool objectsThe pool can be used to select the desired object by tapping it. Any of the different data pool operations mentioned below can be done using the appropriate keyword in combination with the pool window. But it can also be done using the command line and the DataPool keyword.The data pools can also be found in Menu / Settings / User Configuration / Pools. This is a list form of the data pools.Create a New Data Pool ObjectData pools need to be stored in order to be created.Press Store and then tapping an empty pool object.Press Store MA + Preset + Preset object number Please.Open the swipey commands on an empty pool object and choose Store.Using the command line: Store DataPool [number/name]Performing an "edit" command on an empty pool object also creates the data pool object.Copy a Data Pool ObjectA data pool can be copied. This makes a copy of all the elements in the data pool. The copies a not linked. Making a change in one of the copies after the copy action does not change the other copy.Press Copy and then tapping the source pool object and then an empty pool object.Press Copy MA + Preset + Preset source object number At destination object number Please.Open the swipey commands on the source pool object and choose Copy then tap an empty pool object.Using the command line: Copy DataPool [number/name] At [number/name]Hint:Objects inside a data pool can be copied from one pool to another using the normal Copy and Paste commands.Edit a Data Pool ObjectEditing a data pool object opens an editor with a structured list of the elements in the data pool. Unfolding the elements in the list shows the settings for the elements.